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Pengepremier i langløp 2023-2024

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Pengepremier i langløp sesongen 2023-2024 er som følger:

Publisert 11. april 2024 i Langrenn

Terminliste og resultater Ski Classics 2023-24

Pengepremiene redusert med 33 prosent i Ski Classics før 2022-23 sesongen

Pengepremier i langløp

Premiepengene i langløpscupen Ski Classics fordeles slik under sesongen 2023-24:

Total premiepott sammenlagtkonkurranser: 200 000 euro (samme sum som i 2022-23)

Tallene i prosent sier hvor stor del av den totale premiepotten man stikker av med.

I hvert enkelt renn er det arrangøren som står for premiepengene:

Fullt reglement

40. Ski Classics athletes must participate in the flower ceremony and price ceremony of the event (if arranged) in order to receive event prize money. Ski Classics recommends the organizing committee a minimum prize money fund of EUR 10.000+VAT for a 100p categorized event, EUR, 20.000+VAT for a 200p categorized event and EUR 30.000+VAT for a 300p event. At double event weekends, the recommended prize money sum is minimum EUR 30 000+VAT.

41. Event prize money is distributed by each event and Pro Teams shall follow the instructions given by each event organization. Sprint and Climb checkpoints prize money shall be invoiced as a total sum by Pro Teams. Prize money amounts in Appendix 11 and invoice information in Appendix 12. Invoices shall be sent latest May 31st, 2023.

42. Ski Classics Pro Teams and athletes must participate in the prize ceremony at the Ski Classics Final banquet in order to receive overall season prize money. If an athlete cannot participate in the Ski Classics Final due to illness and/or reasons beyond the athlete’s control, the athlete must submit documentation stating clearly the reasons for not attending. The document must be certified by a medical doctor and submitted to Ski Classics in order for the athlete’s points to be valid for the overall results. Overall prize money is distributed according to Appendix 3.

Pengepremier i langløp Pengepremier i langløp

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