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Oppdateringer Valencia Marathon 2024

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I disse dager venter 35 000 løpere i spenning på om Valencia Marathon 2024 vil bli arrangert 1. desember 2024.

Publisert 15. november 2024 i Løp/friidrett

Startlister, resultater og annen informasjon fra Valencia Marathon 2024

Oppdatering 15. november kl 12.50:

Arrangøren har nå bekreftet at løpet vil finne sted som planlagt og har sendt ut denne mailen til alle deltakere:

«Dear runner,

We know you were waiting for this email. Thank you for having been so patient with us. As you well know, these have been days of great pain, fear, uncertainty and anxiety for the city of Valencia and its entire province.

We would have loved for you to have heard from us sooner. But it has been impossible. We were doing everything in our power to help those who needed it most at that time. We know that, as a good athlete, you will perfectly understand the situation.

Luckily, as always, after every storm comes the sunrise. That’s why we want to share with you that on December 1st, Valencia awaits you to celebrate a marathon that will be much more than a race.

It will be a hug to this wounded city and a promise of recovery, a moment in which sport becomes hope and help for those who need it most.

This year, the record we want to beat is that of solidarity, the record of a marathon that will remind each one of us of the power of being together. The immense strength of the collective as a society, and of sport, as a vehicle for reconstruction and recovery.

We want that Valencia Marathon, your race, be a symbol of support for every family that has suffered, for every street and every corner of Valencia that is in the process of reconstruction.

Celebrating the Valencia Marathon is our way of saying that together, as a society, we can overcome any obstacle. We know that running means health, and it also means hope. We understand that, for some of you, it may not be the right time, and we deeply respect those feelings.

We want the Valencia Marathon Trinidad Alfonso Zurich to be a powerful aid to help those who have suffered the most from the impact of DANA

For this reason, we want to tell you that the Valencia Marathon will have 3 fundraising lines to help rebuild sports facilities and sports schools in the affected areas:

All the proceeds from the sponsors, the organisation’s own funds and the runners will be donated in a transparent manner to one or more projects for the reconstruction of the affected areas. We will announce the exact destination in a transparent and public manner in the near future.

The marathon on 1 December will be a marathon that goes far beyond its purely sporting nature. The only record we want to beat this year is the one related to our solidarity with our community.

Thank you for making it possible, through your participation, for the Valencia Marathon to do its bit to help Valencia regain its social, economic and sporting vitality. And thank you for being there in the good times and the bad.

See you on 1 December. And thank you for thinking so much about our land.»

Oppdatering 14. november kl 15.00:

I følge denne nettsiden vil Valencia Marathon bli gjennomført som planlagt 1. desember 2024.

De understreker at dette ikke er offisielt enda, men at de har kilder som hevder at løpet vil gjennomføres som planlagt.

Oppdatering 14. november kl 10.00:

Etter flommen som herjet Valencia-regionen for drøyt to uker siden har det vært usikkerhet rundt gjennomføringen av Valencia Marathon.

Ingen deler av løypa er påvirket av flommen, men infrastruktur i nærheten av Valencia er skadet noe som gjør at transport til og fra byen kan være en utfordring. I tillegg krever et maraton 35 000 deltakere mye ressurser av byen, ressurser som kunne vært brukt på å rydde opp og reparere skader i de omkringliggende byene.

På den andre siden tiltrekker løpet seg mange tilreisende som legger igjen penger i området og helt sikkert vil være med å støtte opprydningen gjennom å gi penger til veldedige organisasjoner.

Forrige mandag sendte arrangøren ut en e-post til deltakerene og sa at en beskjed vedrørende løpet ville komme i den uken vi nå er inne i. Foreløpig har man ikke hørt noe fra arrangøren, men det har kommet bilder på sosiale medier av at det er begynt rigging av målområdet i City of Arts and Sciences i Valencia denne uken, det er vanskelig å tolke på noen annen måte enn av arrangøren i det minste fortsatt har tro på at løpet kan gjennomføres.

Valencia Marathon

Slik var mailen arrangøren sendte ut 4. november:


First of all, we would like to express our deepest sympathy and solidarity to all those who have been affected, you or your loved ones, by the catastrophe that has devastated our province and some other parts of Spain.

The organization of the Valencia Marathon Trinidad Alfonso Zurich has been working from day one, with the utmost discretion, to help those affected by the DANA. It did so on the front line, directly assisting victims in the early hours of Tuesday to Wednesday, and, later, in logistical tasks entrusted by the authorities to support the victims. Any help is little.

The city of Valencia has not been affected by the effects of the disaster, but we cannot remain impassive, and we continue to contribute our humble effort to reduce the effects of this tragedy in the affected municipalities.

We also know that it is essential to reassure you as soon as possible that the race will take place on 1 December. That is why we ask for a little more patience, just a few days given the exceptional situation, and we will send you an update next week. We invite you to continue with your preparation, as our goal is to see you at the finish line.

Additionally, We would also like to inform you that we are finalising various formulas so that, once the most urgent clean-up work has been completed and the main roads in the affected municipalities have been opened, we can continue to provide aid to the victims, who must not be forgotten.»

Arrangørens hjemmesider

Resultater Valencia Marathon 2023

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