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Resultater Palio Città della Quercia 2024

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Informasjon, program, startlister og resultater fra Palio Città della Quercia som arrangeres 3. september 2024.

Publisert 3. september 2024 i Resultater

Palio Città della Quercia 2024

60. utgave


3. september


Rovereto – Italia

Norske deltakere

Tobias Grønstad, 800 meter
Live Solheimdal, 3000 meter

Startlister og resultater


Om stevnet

Palio Città della Quercia is the oldest Track&Field event in Italy and one of the oldest in the entire world. It is organised by Gruppo atletico Palio Città della Quercia and has managed to carve out a central role for itself on the international athletics stage , bringing in Trentino several world-class athletes.

Since 2020, the meeting is part of the World Athletics Continental Tour Silver.



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